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Home Watch by Riggs Request

Maximize the memories while you're here and peace of mind when you're not.

Our Home Watch services are essential for Lake of the Ozarks homeowners that are not able to monitor the condition of their unoccupied home.  We will conduct a visual inspection of your home or property, looking for obvious issues.  As a homeowner and property owner, we are your biggest advocate while you are away, providing real peace of mind and exceptional care and customer service.

Rates and Service Area:

We know that lifestyles and homes are uniquely varied at Lake of the Ozarks, and we deeply value transparency with our clients. Basic Home Watch Services start at $55 (based off frequency and total square footage). Set pricing will be determined once the property is viewed and will be based on specific needs of the client. Concierge services are offered and priced separately. We service homes in Village of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, Osage Beach, Camdenton, Laurie, and Sunrise Beach and we look forward to discussing your needs today!

Basic Home Watch Service Package
Top 3 Benefits to Home Watch
This is only an example of the considerations we make on each visit. Each property and homeowner's needs are different and we take pride in valuing the little things that matter the most to our clients.
  • Verify that all doors and windows are properly secure to minimize chance of break-ins.
  • Check for evidence of water leaks or damage and check for visual signs of mold and mildew.

  • Visual inspection for signs of insects and or rodents.

  • Check that A/C // Heating and reset thermostat settings if needed.

  • Run faucets, sink disposals, and flush toilets.

  • Check that main water valve is turned off after each inspection (unless otherwise requested by client).

  • Check electric panel for tripped breakers and make sure electric water heater breaker is turned off.

  • Visual inspection throughout property.  Boat docks, detached garages, sheds, pools and guest homes and priced separately.

  • Walk exterior perimeter of single-family homes to check screening, signs of vandalism, etc.

  • Home Watch Inspection Report with photos completed during each home watch inspection.

  • IMMEDIATE reporting to Client of any abnormalities found.



Peace of Mind While You Are Gone. We can save you time, and be a watchful advocate for you as a homeowner.

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Unexpected things can and do happen. In most cases, the earlier you catch them the more your challenges are minimized as a homeowner.


Live your best lake life. If you have to worry about your investment less, you can focus on making the most of your lake time today and tomorrow. 

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